Current Members in Kevin Johnson's Guestbook
Displaying entries 1 - 25 of 612
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Date October 8, 2024
Name Urs
Home page
Country Switzerland
Comments Still listen to your tunes! Enjoy them.

Date May 13, 2024
Name Warren Gibbins
Home page
City Blacks Beach
State QLD
Country Australia
Comments Kevin Have always loved your work. Met you in Blackwater with a good friend of mine (Kerry Jaques) Probably 81 or 82. Caught up with you again at Kerry’s funeral in Hervey Bay. Hope you are going well. Warren

Date May 8, 2024
Name Heather. Stevens
Home page
City Brisbane
State Queensland
Country Australia
Comments I was in our Scholarship class of 1955 at Allenstown State School. Mr Vince Cheshire was my teacher & Mr Juli Messer was the other teacher. I remember you doing Scholarship the same year as I did. I also attended our 50 year scholarship Class reunion in 2005. It was great to see old class mates again.

Date January 8, 2024
Name Raphael Keenan
Home page
City Lockport
State New York
Country USA
Comments Hi there Kevin, or should I say "Ge-Day Mate" Been a fan of yours since the 70's, Lived in Ireland back in them days had an original 45 of "Rock N Roll I gave ye all the best years" I still have that to this day and still spin it up. Thanks for the great years of songs. I'm trying to get my hands on a copy of "A Whaler's Lament" is it available anywhere on vinyl ? the album or CD is not currently available on your website.

Date December 18, 2023
Name Lenny
Home page
City Melbourne
Country Australia
Comments I doubt you ever read these pages Kevin, but if you do I thank you for the best years of your life and the music you made. Your performance on “ In a field in France” is a work of beauty. I only saw you live once, in Adelaide many years ago but the magic of that evening has lasted with me and always will. Good health and good luck to you my friend.

Date September 18, 2023
Name Ian Farley
Home page
City Derby
State Tasmania
Country Australia
Comments I grew up in central NSW in the early 80's and my mother turned me onto your music. I still listen to you now. Very thankful for your contribution to the music industry. I am a drummer and I also gave some of the best years of my life to playing and trying to achieve greatness. Alas was not to be.

Date August 26, 2023
Name Tim Sloane
Home page
City Goulburn
State NSW
Country Australia
Comments Brilliant singer singing brilliant songs

Date July 28, 2023
Name Glenn Bovill
Home page
City Lakehaven
State NSW
Country Australia
Comments 33

Date July 3, 2023
Name Siggi
Home page
City Melbourne
State Victoria
Country Australia
Comments Dear Kevin, Belated birthday wishes. Just like to say that "Rocking roll..." still brings a tear to my eye.Your great voice has also convinced James Last to put your song "Rolling home" on a German LP. Brilliant keep well and enjoy you retirement. Cheers Siggi

Date July 3, 2023
Name Siggi
Home page
City Melbourne
State Victoria
Country Australia
Comments Dear Kevin, Belated birthday wishes. Just like to say that "Rocking roll..." still brings a tear to my eye.Your great voice has also convinced James Last to put your song "Rolling home" on a German LP. Brilliant keep well and enjoy you retirement. Cheers Siggi

Date April 28, 2023
Name Alan Fildes
Home page
City Manchester
State Manchester
Country Lancashire
Comments Just to say a bloody great song from a Pom sing it all the time Alan

Date January 9, 2023
Name Brenda Koster
Home page
City Brisbane
State Qld
Country Australua
Comments Hello Kevin, just wanted to let you know how very much I’ve enjoyed your music, ever since my high school years when “Bonnie please don’t go” was released - a couple of them are on my regular playlists, and my 33yo daughter is also a fan. Thank you for sharing your music with us, it’s been an absolute pleasure. Kindest regards, Brenda

Date November 28, 2022
Name Erika
Home page
Country Germany
Comments Dear Kevin,I wish you a wonderful 🎅🏼pre-Christmas 🧑🏻‍🎄 period. Stay healthy 🙋🏼‍♀️. Lots of love, Erika ❤️

Date July 14, 2022
Name Col
Home page
State Qld
Country Australia
Comments How about that, Devil found Work! My review doesn’t mean #$@%! to anyone but you might ask yourself, have I ever had the privilege of listening to the thoughts of a troubadour with the essence of life in a palm of his hand? Played it till I was too pissed to turn it off and made no sense to me at all. G’Day O’l Friend. “Policeman came to arrest me Somewhere west of Mogo Seems I had pop gun in the ute rack, (74?) Big ol fox with no identity Took our chooks so reversity (my word) Grandma queen her adversity Let’s the hounds go. That was back a few years O’L Mate Didn’t know you then. We first met in person at a Goulburn do. Reckon that would have been around 85/6 As I recall I might have heckled you, but knew every song. Yet you sat down with me and my wife at the end of the show and we had a great chat. Kirk taught me how to be humble that night I had never heard how a guitar could punctuate a word beforehand It sure wasn’t in my church. You have signed every lp and cd without notice The music book is gett

Date July 3, 2022
Name Erika
Home page
Country Germany
Comments Dear Kevin, Happy Birthday to you. 80. 🌹🌹🍀💐💐 I hope all your dreams to the future become true. Have a wonderful Birthday!!!!!!!

Date March 6, 2022
Name Steve Pope
Home page
City Melbourne
State Vic
Country Australia
Comments My father passed in 2015, I often think back sitting in the shed with him, having a beer, listening to you singing "Over the hills" with me thinking about dad How the #$@%! would he know. I look back at my life now thinking what the #$@%! do I know. Thank you,. It's a shame we learn to late.

Date March 6, 2022
Name Steve
Home page
City Melbourne
State Vic
Country Australia
Comments My father passed in 2015, I often think back sitting in the shed with him, having a beer, listening to you singing "Over the hills" with me thinking about dad How the #$@%! would he know. I look back at my life now thinking what the #$@%! do I know. Thank you,. It's a shame we learn to late.

Date January 1, 2022
Name Michael Kuehnlenz
Home page
City Ilmenau
State Thuringia
Country Germany
Comments Hi Kevin, I also wish you and your family a happy and healthy new year 2022. I saw the fireworks at the turn of the year in Sydney live on YouTube. Here in Germany, despite the ban on fireworks, rockets and firecrackers were used to celebrate. Because of COVID, all venues were closed and all events prohibited here, so the celebration was limited to the closest family circle. I already received my three vaccinations against COVID after falling ill with it a year ago and only with a lot of luck would I fully recover. I hope you have come through the COVID period unscathed and have been able to live with the associated restrictions and restrictions. We hope here in Germany for easing as soon as the number of infections falls again. At the moment, life here is relatively normal for people who have been vaccinated. However, demonstrations against the applicable COVID rules take place almost every day across the country. We both hope that we will relax soon and that we will be able to travel again without restriction

Date January 1, 2022
Name Michael Kuehnlenz
Home page
City Ilmenau
State Thuringia
Country Germany
Comments Hi Kevin, I also wish you and your family a happy and healthy new year 2022. I saw the fireworks at the turn of the year in Sydney live on YouTube. Here in Germany, despite the ban on fireworks, rockets and firecrackers were used to celebrate. Because of COVID, all venues were closed and all events prohibited here, so the celebration was limited to the closest family circle. I already received my three vaccinations against COVID after falling ill with it a year ago and only with a lot of luck would I fully recover. I hope you have come through the COVID period unscathed and have been able to live with the associated restrictions and restrictions. We hope here in Germany for easing as soon as the number of infections falls again. At the moment, life here is relatively normal for people who have been vaccinated. However, demonstrations against the applicable COVID rules take place almost every day across the country. We both hope that we will relax soon and that we will be able to travel again without restriction

Date September 10, 2021
Name David
Home page
City Dublin
State Dublin
Country Dublin
Comments My mother (74) is a big fan. When I had my own boys, she told me about "Shaney Boy". Never fails to make me cry. Thank you for such a great song.

Date July 3, 2021
Name Erika
Home page
City Bochum
State NRW
Country Germany
Comments Dear Kevin, Congratulations on your birthday, Erika from Germany wishes you all the best with all my ❤️ heart🌺💐🍀🌹🌻🥀🍀

Date June 25, 2021
Name Clive Dennis Evans
Home page
City Fareham
State Hampshire
Country United Kingdom
Comments Thank you for the music Kevin. Really appreciate the 'word smithery.'

Date April 13, 2021
Name Pauline
Home page
City Rosewood
State Qld
Country Australia
Comments Love, love, love your music. I hink I’d be close to you’re oldest groupie. Thanks for your music. For many years I’ve played Shanie Boy to my son.

Date April 11, 2021
Name Erika
Home page
Country Germany
Comments Dear Kevin, I am from Germany 🇩🇪 and I’m 73. I hope you feel good in this bad time with covid 19.I love ❤️ all you're songs . Also I am looking all videos on the 🖥„YouTube „ Chanel. It makes me happy to hear your voices. 📀 “ Rock and Roll“, 📀 „Shanty Boy „ and 📀 „Scotty „ are my absolutely favorite songs. 🎸 You're a very great artist and your songs always move my heart ❤️ and my soul. I wish you all the best forever. And thank you for the music! Your german fan Erika 🙎‍♀️

Date March 8, 2021
Name Sweet Felicia
Home page
City Brisbane
State Qld
Country Australia
Comments Hi Kevin, I just discovered your website as I was singing your song "Bonnie..." in my head all day yesterday and a friend told me it was you that wrote it. I loved that song when I was a kid in the 70's. Congratulations on all your great work and dedication to music over the years. I wish you the best in these tricky times. Kind regards, Felicia.