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Current Members in ThePointerSisters.com - Official Website
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Date February 27, 2010
Name Brooks Estep
Email maleangel1971@yahoo.com
City Miami Beach
State FL
Country USA
Comments Feb. 22nd 2009 made 1 year since I saw you for the first time in person. It was at NC Symphony in Raleigh, NC. I have since then moved to Miami Beach, FL. I missed the concerts here in FL, will you ever tour NC again, or FL??? Love you!!! Keep up the Awesome work ladies!!!! Thanks 4 all the years of your wonderful talent!!!

Date June 8, 2007
Name Dereck
Email dsf144@hotmail.com
City Tucson
State Az
Country USA
Comments Havent heard of any new Pointer Sisters cds Im still a big fan. Dereck-Tucson AZ.

Date April 13, 2006
Name Ken Lawenda
Email drkennethl@msn.com
City Los Angeles
State California
Country USA
Comments Just a few thoughts.... My deep sorrow on hearing the news about June. I was always impressed with her spirit, her liveliness, and was a pleasure to have known her personally. I do believe her spirit will leave on in all of us...my thoughts are with the entire family... We all loved her...... Ken

Date April 13, 2006
Name monique
City melbourne
State victoria
Country australia
Comments i am so deeply sorry and to the rest of the pointers i'm really sorry for your loss, god bless.

Date May 1, 2006
Name Terrence Charles Rodgers
Email trodgers@nyc.rr.com
City New York City
State N.Y.
Country U.S.A.
Comments my deepest love, sympathy and condolences to your family in time of sorrow! i love you guyz and will always love my June....she was an original and will be deeeply missed.......t

Date April 13, 2006
Name "Tina Ma Schena"
Email chmit1234@aol.com
City Memphis
State Tennessee
Country USA
Comments Ruthie, Nita and Fritz, My heart felt sympathy is with you at this time. Just remember your foundational teaching, "To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord."

Date April 12, 2006
Name "Weezee" Cole
Email weezee912@sbcglobal.net
City St. Louis
State MO
Country USA
Comments My deepest condolences to the Pointer family. May God bless you.

Date November 23, 2003
Name aaron mitchell
Email aaron.mitchell@brodies.co.uk
City edinburgh
State lothians
Country scotland
Comments I'm a huge fan and have been for years.

Date April 13, 2006
Name Aaryn Schlosser
City Los Angeles
State CA
Country USA
Comments My thoughts and prayers are with your entire family! June helped make SSOOOOOO many people happy. Sure, she had her share of rough times, but thats just a part of being human. You will be missed, June!

Date August 26, 2005
Name abe
Email abetsutomu63@hotmail.com
City Shinjuku
State Tokyo
Country Japan
Comments Somebody, help me out of this question!! Who are these ladies on the cover of CD "I'm So Excited" as newly recorded live?? It seems like Anita who is standing at left, and it would be Ruth at right. Are they really... the sisters we all know? You can see the cover at http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B0008FPJCQ/qid=1125035283/sr=8-13/ref=pd_bbs_13/103-7895112-2927834?v=glance&s=music&n=507846

Date April 12, 2006
Name abe
Email abetsutomu63@hotmail.com
City shinjuku
State tokyo
Country japan
Comments I just can't believe June died. It's too sad. I feel really sorry for entire Pointer family.

Date June 12, 2003
Name Abe
Email abetsutomu63@hotmail.com
City Kamifukuoka
State Saitama
Country Japan
Comments Allow me to offer my sincere condolences. The song "JADA" used to gave me a smile, but...

Date November 13, 2002
Name abe
Email abetsutomu63@hotmail.com
City Kamifukuoka
State Saitama
Country Japan
Comments Living far here in Japan having no way to figure out how & if it's because of San Jose things, I'm worrying what's going on there knowing June is not in the pictures from notp. This is now an "official site" of you ladies now. I would like to see the MESSAGES OF YOUR OWN if it's possible.

Date March 13, 2006
Name abe
Email abetsutomu63@hotmail.com
City shinjuku
State tokyo
Country japan
Comments I hope you're getting better, June. I can't find any other words to say at this point. Make full recovery, please.

Date August 21, 2003
Name abe
Email abetsutomu63@hotmail.com
City Kamifukuoka
State Saitama
Country Japan
Comments I'm with mixed emotions reading many fan's@expectations for all 4 sisters to get back together from Jada's passing. I felt the same way. I know the Sisters' breakup should be talked as separate issue, but the song "Jada" can't be as it should be if it's not a work by the Quartet of the Pointers. Now it's becoming like my routine work to check this site everyday expecting if any good news from the sisters are here... Well, can I expect any official comment from anyone of the Pointer Sisters about breakup??????

Date January 14, 2004
Name abe
Email abetsutomu63@hotmail.com
City Kamifukuoka
State Saitama
Country Japan
Comments I guess I'm not the only one who's in a state of shock for sudden CHANGES of this site. Sisters are sisters, aren't they? So disappointed now it seems like Bonnie and June doesn't even exist.

Date July 9, 2004
Name abe
Email abetsutomu63@hotmail.com
City Kamifukuoka
State Saitama
Country Japan
Comments Yes! it's great to see a message by Issa here. I can't wait for the DVD comes out. Why don't you hold the concerts in Japan, too.

Date April 12, 2005
Name abe
Email abetsutomu63@hotmail.com
City kamifukuoka
State saitama
Country japan
Comments Can anybody please clear things that who the lady she was performing with Ruth and Anita while June was not available (which means before Issa joined)? What was that rumour all about that she was Bonnie's daughter??

Date April 18, 2005
Name abe
Email abetsutomu63@hotmail.com
City kamifukuoka
State saitama
Country japan
Comments Thanks for answering my question, Paul and George!! Wow...it sounds like I'm talking to the Beatles!!!

Date December 11, 2008
Name abe
Email abetsutomu63@hotmail.com
City shinjuku
State tokyo
Country japan
Comments SO EXCITED to know that finally "Energy", "Priority" and "Black & White" will be released as CD. BTW, I was wondering if everything was ok at Thailand in December 7th., since so many things should have been in confusion still around the airport during that period. I hope them come to Japan someday near in future since my last and only experience to see them at live concert was 1982...

Date February 8, 2008
Name abe
Email abetsutomu63@hotmail.com
City shinjuku
State tokyo
Country japan
Comments Happy birthday Anita and Issa!! "Don't It Drive You Crazy" from Havin' A Party is currently you can hear on Nissan Tiida AD in Japan. http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=dw4rmOZdByk&feature=related

Date January 21, 2010
Name Abe Jacob
Email ajacob23@gmail.com
City Singapore
State Singapore
Country Singapore
Comments Great music from my youth. They don't make music like this anymore. Slow Hand is one of amy all time favorites. Thank you all for all you have done!

Date April 9, 2003
Name Abe Molina
Email agmolina97@hotmail.com
City Dallas
State TX
Country USA
Comments Too much drama for a family group that has been in the business for 30 years. I have been a loyal fan for twenty of those years and have seen them in concert 16 times since 1985. With everything going on in the world these days, you'd think that they would want to get together and record something new after all these years. I will continue to support you in any concert event I can get to. And when a new CD comes out, will probably be one of the first to purchase it.

Date April 18, 2004
Name Abe Stevie
Email abetsutomu63@hotmail.com
City Kamifukuoka
State Saitama
Country Japan
Comments I enjoyed review by jeff on the sisters' live at Biloxi, MS. I've been curious to know who is taking over lead of June. Thanks, jeff for clearing clouds in me!! I would also like to know what the recent set list is. Anybody who recently experienced their show, can you list up songs they preformed? I used to feel negative to June's departure, but as a fan who lept loving their music from far east more than 20 years, I realized the sisters are always trying to find better ways as professional artists. I hope someday June will be back though. And, it'll be great if we can see the girls' performs as quintet including Bonnie and Issa I think. Even if it's not realistic at this point to think about such things, who knows what's going to happen in future. I just want to keep myself being a fan of them, and believe they will show us much, much better ways near in future.

Date September 1, 2004
Name abe tsutomu
Email abetsutomu63@hotmail.com
City Kamifukuoka
State Saitama
Country Japan
Comments Thanks, Abel Molina for updating about videos. I remember the actor who was starring in the film "Action Jackson" is Carl Weathers, who played the part of Apollo Creed in Rocky series. Vanity, the original member of Vanity 6 also starred in the movie. I didn't notice by now but even Sharon Stone was in that movie, too. hahaha.