Current Members in The Grahm Guestbook
Displaying entries 1 - 25 of 1275
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Date January 15, 2001
Name Thomas Tisdall
Home page
City Kansas City
State Missouri
Year attended/Grad. year
Comments 1979 Graduate/Radio Production... Since some people have left a little resume, here's mine: After moving around the country working at various radio stations mostly as an MD/PD (KVOC,KSLY,WQHQ) I came to Kansas City in 1993 and worked at KMXV and KUDL. I got a GAVIN Award in 1999, for the Large-Medium Market Adult Contemporary Music Director of the Year. Soon after that I left radio and have been at BDS (Broadcast Data Systems) here in K.C. We monitor radio stations all over the country for the record labels and our sister company Billboard Magazine. Matt, you did an awesome web page. I hope I can make it to the reunion this May '01.

Date January 20, 2001
Name Stella Silverman
Home page
City Riverhead
State ny
Year attended/Grad. year usa
Comments Class of 1973...anyone out there. Just heard about the reunion, sorry I missed the others. i was a business major, did a stint at BU and wound up back in retail. Now manage a store in Hamptons. Any other Helpline staffers out there!!

Date January 22, 2001
Name Franco La Pietra
Home page
City Boston
State Ma
Year attended/Grad. year USA
Comments Class of '74 working TV in Boston and would be happy to hear from other class of 74 ulumn

Date January 28, 2001
Name Al Parinello
Home page
City Old Tappan
State New Jersey
Year attended/Grad. year USA
Comments Hello everyone, The two years I spent at Grahm (70/71)still resonate as the most creative and introspective of my life. It was a time when I came out of my shell and discovered among other things that I had talent and worth. I often think of those days and wonder how things would have turned out otherwise. I was honored this past year when the Kaufman family asked me to meet with Jim Carrey and tell him of the Grahm days to prepare him for Andy's movie. If you don't blink, you'll see me coming out of Carnegie Hall in the scene I reinacted for the cameras. Director Bob Zmuda and I were the only one's who were actually there the first time. It's been a heck of a career in the media and it's been a heck of a life so far. I'm married, have a daughter who I hesitate to say, is herself graduating from Rutgers this year. Currently, I'm having a ball as owner of WJSE, the Jersey Shore's/Atlantic City's Modern Rocker and Stern's only NJ affiliate. I am blown away by this website and reading about all of you and I am plannin

Date January 29, 2001
Name Patrick D. Sheehy
Home page
City St. Paul
State Minnesota
Year attended/Grad. year
Comments 1971 AAS Broadcast Journalism

Date January 29, 2001
Name Barry Cronin
Home page
City Boston
State MA
Year attended/Grad. year USA
Comments Well, this is a grand surprise! It is a delight to see so many Grahm students and how you have all turned out. Some of you may remember me fondly, perhaps not so fondly. I often think Grahm, its students and faculty. Whenever I drive through Kenmore Square, it is like a memory trip. I see it as it was, not as it is now. Some of you may know I married Grahm registrar, Ginny MacLean (now Ginny Cronin). We have a married son with three grandchildren, and another son who is a sophmore in theatre at NYU. And...I am not retired, but working in oneline and television educational content. Do you hear from any of your "old" teachers? Dean Cronin

Date January 30, 2001
Name Michael Drust
Home page
City Pottstown
State PA
Year attended/Grad. year USA
Comments hello all, particularly class of 75... nice to finally have a way for everyone to comment on life at Grahm - hopefully the memories were as fond for you as they were for me. while in boston last summer, spent a couple of nights at hotel leavitt er uh buckminster - the traffic on brookline avenue is still loud at dawn, and the kenmore wine shop is gone after +40 years. hope all of the joyful memories of growing up in boston in the early 70's still remain as life has gotten more complicated and "serious."

Date January 30, 2001
Name Bob Azanow
Home page
City Holbrook
State MA
Year attended/Grad. year
Comments Hello all!! Class of 74. I really enjoyed my time at Grahm. 1 year nights and 1 1/2 days. The TV Production training was great. This web site made me think about some of the great instructors we had and friends we made. I was very dissapointed when I heard the school went under. I had hoped someone like BU would have picked it up. I am working now as an Engineering Manager at a local NH Process Control and Process Surge protection equipment manufacturer. Lots of travel. Nothing at all to do with TV production but it was a great foundation for my current career. I remember back at Grahm, taking Graphic Arts in Marshall N's class. Cut and Paste meant Scissors and Glue. Not like today. Here it is 26 years later and I am still cutting and pasting. Oh well, it would also be nice to here from any of my old alumni. Oh Yea I worked in the Grahm Library for a year and a half too to help pay for the Barf Burgers. Best Luck and regards to all. Bob Azanow '74

Date January 31, 2001
Name Barry Gingold
Home page 170 ounty Rd.
City Demarest
State NJ
Year attended/Grad. year
Comments Calss of '75, Have been working at ABC for the last 25 years as a Post Production Editor. A great job on the web page.

Date February 2, 2001
Home page
State NY
Year attended/Grad. year 11751
Comments CLASS OF 1970. To all my good friends and dear fraternity brothers of KAPPA SIGMA BETA, I say a big hello. I have been blessed with a wonderful wife, Cathy, and three great children, Lisa, Michelle and Joe. I also have two grandsons, Chris and Josh. The two years that I spent in Kenmore Square were the best! We are now in another time and another place. I miss you all. GOD BLESS.

Date February 4, 2001
Name Dennis Mac Carthy
Home page
City Woodbridge
State VA
Year attended/Grad. year
Comments From the class of '74. Congratulations to all who remained in this unstable broadcasting world. The memories from Grahm will never die and the foundation the school gave me was a definate advantage in my career. Currently working for Westwood One as producer of nationally broadcast "America In the Morning" and C-B-S TV News in Washington D-C. Hope to see you all at the reunion.

Date February 5, 2001
Name Tony Novia
Home page
City Los Angeles
State CA
Year attended/Grad. year USA
Comments Working for the past 6 years at a radio trade Radio & records (R&R). Married 13 years and have a 2 1/2 year old son, Christopher Nicholas Novia (CNN). w-310-788-1663 c-310-770-1663

Date February 5, 2001
Name John Lynch 1976
Home page
City Elkins
State WV
Year attended/Grad. year USA
Comments 1976 Wow! How great it is to see these old pictures and even a few names in the guest book. What many wonderful memories of Grahm and Boston. I started out as a weather man on Grahm TV and now do weather for the Federal Aviation Administration. Who knew? I have a wonderful family, Susan my wife, and Kristi and Kevin our children. Life and children have kept me very busy as I am sure all you are also. Would love to see you all, hope to swing the reunion.

Date February 5, 2001
Name Steve Williamson
Home page Class Of 1978
City Osaka
Year attended/Grad. year JAPAN
Comments On August 30, 1976, I decided I wanted to go to college! Three days later, only Grahm was willing to take my lame H.S. grades and say, "If you pay cash, you can start tomorrow". Lived just two doors down from webmaster Matthew Hasson and held on tight for two (and a half) years on the GJC rollercoaster! At Grahm, I learned Radio 101 plus crisis management first-hand, made some lifelong friends, and, thanks to the light of the "Citgod", could always find my way back to the dorm late at night. Then off to "real" college at Emerson and bartending at Bunratty's. Spent the 80's in Miami radio, the 90's marketing Universal Studios theme park in Orlando, now VP/Marketing at Universal Studios in Osaka, Japan. Along the way, collected a bitchy blonde wife, two beautiful blonde boys, a bleached blonde girlfriend, a fake Christmas tree, Tampa Bay Lightning tickets and a goldfish. Kept some of them, but not all. Made some good decisions and the occasional bad one (Pity the motto wasn't Learn By thinking first, then Doing)

Date February 8, 2001
Name Bob Dixon
Home page
State CT
Year attended/Grad. year

Date February 12, 2001
Name Gordon Jackson
Home page
City New Rochelle
State NY
Year attended/Grad. year 10801
Comments 20 years later I'm still working in television...

Date February 12, 2001
Name William Rego
Home page
City NY
State NY
Year attended/Grad. year US
Comments 1975 Graduate. Currently working @ ABCTV New York since 1977.

Date February 13, 2001
Name Bill Figenshu
Home page
City NY
State NY
Year attended/Grad. year USA
Comments Wow. Plenty of great broadcasters here. I'm a Sr. VP at Infinity Radio. Started as a disc jockey and working my way down. Now have 55 stations reporting to me any only 5,000 more rating books till my kids are out of college. Fig

Date February 13, 2001
Name Ray Conley
Home page
City Mount Kisco
State NY
Year attended/Grad. year USA
Comments '78 -- From Kenmore's notorious Room 218... Started at ABC two weeks after graduation (big change from begging for scraps at the DeliHaus)and still at it. Post Production Editor -- There're quite a few Grahmmies doing same in NYC. Looking forward to upcoming timewarp. Anybody know the whereabouts of my roomie, John Kreta, once of Derby, CT? A.P.B. for Mongo or Spanky!

Date February 14, 2001
Name Amy Lopes
Home page
City Rockport
State MA
Year attended/Grad. year USA
Comments It's unbelievable to see these pictures after so long. It's also unbelievable to know that so many people survived Grahm. Of course I lived there 1977 to the end. I went to Mass Art, and just lived in the dorm. What a place, from a small town, to Animal House. Steve Williamson, Mike Lee, Tony Novia, & Dave G., Hi to you all. Would love to see you all. I'm a part time graphic designer, I run an art gallery, I'm writing a children's book, and I'm a single mother of Nick(11 years). I lived in Colorado, Virginia,Kentucky, etc. I've finally settled back in MA. I can't believe the wild times at Grahm. Stories so good that I still tell my friends. We need to hear from Mickey O'Halloran. Last I heard, he'd been ill. Does anyone keep in touch with him?

Date February 14, 2001
Name Jeff wurtz
Home page
City oyster bay
State new york
Year attended/Grad. year
Comments class of 1977

Date February 16, 2001
Name Duff Lindsey
Home page
City Miami
State FL
Year attended/Grad. year
Comments Graduated class of '69. Nearly 2 years afternoon drive on WCSB under my assumed (actually real) name led to now 30 years in radio. Changed my name in 1979 to Duff Lindsey at a station in Cincinnati and never looked back. San Diego, Miami, Orlando and back to Miami at WQAM 4 years ago. (funny how a guy from Norwalk, CT spends most of his radio time in the sun!)Have the pleasure of programming sports radio and the famous Neil Rogers show now. Now THIS is real personality radio. Everytime anyone asks how I got started, I always go back to my days at Grahm JC. That staff of teachers had the insight to tell us the real deal about how to make it. All you had to do was listen....TA

Date February 17, 2001
Name Mark S. Bogni
Home page
City South Portland
State ME
Year attended/Grad. year Good ol USA
Comments Class of 76. Got a job at ABC in New York and worked there as a tape editor for news till 1990 when I transfered to the Boston Bureau. Lasted there till 1999 and decided to take a buyout. Now I'm in Maine and have my own production/website company.

Date February 17, 2001
Name chris davitt
Home page
City revere
State mass
Year attended/Grad. year us
Comments i will be attending the reunion and look forward to meeting all my fellow grahm alumni.i graduated in 1971 and was a television production major. i also performed in a play written and directed by andy kaufman at grahm. i am now a member of the screen actors guild and have been in several movies as a background extra. i welcome any e-mails from anyone who would like to say hello. chris davitt

Date February 19, 2001
Name Scott Gibbons
Home page
City Ashland
State MA
Year attended/Grad. year
Comments I'm a member of the class of 1976. What a hoot this website is! It brings back a lot of great memories. I've spent the last 20 years working for Fairbanks Communications/WKOX AM 1200, and for a while WVBF FM 105. I'll soon be working for Clear Channel as they are buying WKOX. I also spent some time in Springfield, MA at 1270 WSPR. I hope to be able to make the reunion in May,2001.